words of masters

Lyrics of Masters
Benjamin, Cate, Emmanuelle, Agnès and France were kind enough to sincerely answer our questions about their Rhodesians.
Why did you choose to buy a Rhodesian?
Cate | Oorah
I have known this breed for several years and I particularly appreciate their character, their majestic stature, their beauty, their faults and their qualities.

Emmanuelle | Okoka
I have always loved dogs, especially my grandmother's short-haired dachshund. 20 years ago, I met a Rhodesian Ridgeback and I literally fell in admiration of this breed. I documented myself and everything I learned only confirmed that my choice will be on this breed.Both in terms of physical and behavioral characteristics, this dog brings together everything I love about dogs. It is a physical but elegant race, powerful but hypersensitive, distant from strangers but close to its family, very calm but athletic, and it is also a real challenge in terms of education. Not that he is particularly difficult, but he is not a shepherd, he does not always put his intelligence at the service of blind obedience!

Agnes | Oldy
It's a gift from a friend.

France | Aset
One day, while walking, I saw a dog and I found it beautiful, calm, attentive and close to its owner. I fell in love with it! After some discussions with the owner, he invited me to his house to talk about the dog and I am the proud owner of a Rhodesian!

Benjamin | Paco
After spending time with a 2 year old Rhodesian at someone's house.

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